Twenty-three years ago, we can all think back to where we were on this very sad day in history. Prayers to all those involved and gratitude to all the heroes.
Last night four guards woke me up at 12:37am and told me I needed to go to the infirmary for a "TB shot." Of course I was vaccinated as a baby for TB and this seemed odd, especially at 1am. I proceeded to the health building and went to the infirmary where I found that our medical records for the TB tests two months ago were lost and they wanted me to re-inject myself with tuberculin to test again. I have Lupus and cardiac issues and I am hanging on for dear life right now. I am trying to wait for the courts release me to my medical team and of course overturn my convictions, as we argued for in our petition last month. So, I was not about to put something toxic in my body again just because Fluvanna has record issues. Keep in mind the Fluvanna medical director, Sharon Sheffield, MD was just released from working here for falsifying records. Dr. Targonski who was the Chief Medical Officer for Virginia DOC is filling in here for now.
I told the nurses I would talk to medical in the morning as I had an appointment. With that, CO Walz grabbed me and handcuffed me behind my back and started pushing me forward without my rollator to stabilize me and told me he was putting me in solitary confinement. Think about that. Solitary confinement because THEY lost records and I did not want to put chemicals into my body to re-test me for something I was negative for two months ago. Solitary confinement with no access to anything, no use of phones to even call my attorneys, no access to a way to cook any of my raw food on my sealed religious diet, etc.
I fell forward and they had only my arms so it tore into my shoulder and back. My right shoulder was dislocated when I arrived here at Fluvanna last year and was never treated so that was most certainly re-injured.
--Jennifer Reba Edwards Emmi