Unit Manager Haight Unit 6 just assaulted me on camera about 30 minutes ago after saying, "I have not hit anyone this year, don't be the first one." She cut my thumb open with her pen or fingernail (not sure how) while aggressively and needlessly attacking me for being on the kiosk sending an email a minute or two before count cleared. A bunch of others were out too, but she only targeted and attacked and yelled at me during and AFTER this. Others remained out an watched the whole thing. She literally shut off MY EMAIL and logged me out and pushed me and physically assaulted me for absolutely no reason other than she is a drunk and comes to work drunk and admits she does so and faces no repercussions ever! Oh she told me I will get a charge too. Now my thumb is cut (small bleeding mark) and it is swollen and bruised-previous injury from being dislocated and injured from guard at the other prison. Just what I needed. She attacked a disabled woman who cannot walk no less. ALL ON CAMERA.
This needs to be requested through freedom of information act and through medical release.