Fluvanna absolutely refuses to provide care to my chest port that goes directly to my heart. I am experiencing chest pain, pressure and weakness. I have not had my port flushed since I was rushed to the Emergency Room by ambulance August 11th.
It is December and I am worried my port is blocked and causing infection. Today I was called to the counselor and to physical therapy and was once again denied the use of a wheelchair despite the clear and obvious heart issues, a dislocated thumb (caused by staff throwing me against a wall), a previously dislocated shoulder (also caused by staff abuse), and left-side partial paralysis from a stroke(s).
The ADA coordinator, Huffman seems like she is on a mission to not allow me a wheelchair for whatever retaliatory reason, which of course is illegal. She even had signs in buildings until very recently with a huge picture of my face saying "No Wheelchair." It made m look like some sort of wheelchair hamburgular. It was not only ridiculous and humiliating, it violated my HIPPA and ADA rights. We just have no rights in this facility. The ACA is doing a check of Fluvanna to have accreditation yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The mucky-mucks are doing tours to try to say this facility is on par. It is not and FAR FROM IT! They do not abide by ANY policies and practices put in place by the Federal Court in Scott v. Clarke. They are in breach of that agreement and violate the guidelines Federl Judge Norman Moon put in place.
There are roaches infesting the kitchen. They fail every ACA standard for due process in the hearings procedures. There is mold on the ceilings in the showers. THere is a huge staffing shortage. The violations are endless. Write to ACA at SAC@aca.org and let them know how you feel about Fluvanna Correctional Facility for Women. The local Virginia number is 703-224-0000. There is no time like the present to call Fluvanna out on their illegal, unethical and violative practices. Give us voices from the inside!