Click here to listen to the Charlottesville Now radio show my attorney John Kiyonaga did two days ago. Please call Governor Polis's office and tell him and his Chief Legal Counsel, Kara Veitch to release me.
To answer more completely about the home confinement--I am also seeking to overturn these wrongful convictions. The first priority is saving my life, but I am NOT going to continue to be a falsely accused felon who was railroaded into a "Global Plea Deal with Prophlactic Probation" plus 7 points on my license that never existed to be released to save my life, save my mom's life from going to the jail, and to get to my children!!
Anyone would have done what I did if they were lied to like I was. I never even saw the three plea agreements, nor the charges they contained, and those agreements were NEVER SIGNED BY ME THAT WERE FILED IN THE COURT.
Contact Kara Veitch: (303) 860-0608
Contact Gov. Polis' office: (303) 866-2885